名古屋大学教学事務部門医学部・医学系研究科学務課大幸教務学生係 | 掲示期間:2024年12月13日~2124年12月13日 |
3/4(火) オリエン, 6(木)11(火)13(木) BMV スプリント, 18(火) ゲストレクチャー, 20(木) オンラインプレゼン
5/17(土) オリエン, 19(月) 病院ツアー, 20(火)21(水) スタディツアー, 22(木) インキュベーションやスタートアップ見学, 23(金) グループワークとプレゼン準備, 24(土) 最終プレゼン
申込はこちら: https://forms.office.com/r/3Pcs8K85JH
長谷川 Email: hasegawa.hitoki.j8(at)f.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp
We are pleased to announce the call for applications for the joint Entrepreneurship Program conducted by Nagoya University and the University of Colorado Boulder.
This is an international program to develop innovative business ideas aimed at solving challenges related to the theme of "Aging Society" in collaboration with students from the University of Colorado. The program is divided into two phases: online and in-person, during which participants will learn the basics of design thinking. No prior experience is required!
Phase 1 (Online)
March 4 (Tue): Orientation, 6 (Thu), 11 (Tue), 13 (Thu): BMV Sprint, 18 (Tue): Guest Lecture, 20 (Thu): Online Presentations
Phase 2 (In-person at Nagoya University)
May 17 (Sat): Orientation, 19 (Mon): Hospital Tour, 20 (Tue)–21 (Wed): Study Tour, 22 (Thu): Visits to Incubators and Startups, 23 (Fri): Group Work and Presentation Preparation, 24 (Sat): Final Presentations
All undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. Students interested in innovation, entrepreneurship, or international collaboration are especially encouraged to join. Please note that sufficient English proficiency is required as the program will be conducted in English.
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Apply here: https://forms.office.com/r/3Pcs8K85JH
(Important Notes)
• Due to potential conflicts with classes or exams, Nagoya University students may find it difficult to participate in the entire in-person program. However, please join tours or group work as much as your schedule allows. Attendance at the orientation and presentations is mandatory.
If you would like more details, please contact us. Posters are also attached for your reference. We look forward to receiving your applications!
Office of International Affairs and International Medical Education
Hitoki Hasegawa
Email: hasegawa.hitoki.j8(at)f.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp
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